Sunday, August 23, 2009

National Preparedness Month 2009
September marks National Preparedness Month. Yes, the kids still need to go to school, and you’re not getting a paid holiday from work..sorry! But ‘celebrating’ this holiday can make you prepared for the smallest emergencies and potentially save your lives.

Emergencies happen every day and to prepare for all possible scenarios would be. Well. Impossible. But there are small things that you can do:

· Decide on your IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACTS (ICE). Most new cell phones have the ability to mark these numbers right in your contact list or add the abbreviation ICE before the contacts you would like EMS personnel to call.

· Make a plan for what you will do in an emergency. Where are all of the possible exit points and where do you meet once you get out? Make alternative plans in case of an evacuation.

· Get a kit of emergency supplies. During a storm when the power goes out is not the time to look for the flashlight and extra batteries!

· Make the plan personal to your family. Have a meeting and discuss who, what, when, where, and why. Make an emergency phone chart that your children can understand.

The Department of Homeland Security has put together a very user-friendly website where there are detailed lists and ideas for all possible emergencies. Use this month to get yourself ready for the unknown.