Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holiday Shopping

It's official - Holiday shopping is here! Santa has arrived at the mall and there are Chrstmas trees on display in every store. Are you ready?

Last week I asked my children for Christmas Wish Lists..and within a day I was given four very long lists; Way more than we can realistically afford or would even conceive of giving them.

What I needed was a game plan. I asked the kids to prioritize wants from really, really, really wants. I was surprised. Some of the things that they really wanted weren't the most expensive!

Now the research. I need to know if they require additional purchases. (Like batteries, games, or memory cards) Next, since my friends and I are hard-core Black Friday shoppers, I've been watching the ad previews online. If you're not one for Black Friday craziness...many offer are available online and comparable sales can be found from the comfort of your own home (and in your jammies) on Cyber Monday.

Christmas shouldn't cost a fortune.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
~ A. Lincoln

People spend countless hours and billions of dollars trying to find happiness. Truth-be-told; you can't rely on any one person to provide you with happiness.

This week, take a pad of Post It Notes and write a happy note to yourself on each one. They can be compliments, Bible verses, positive affirmations, cute things that your kids say, or silly little quotes...whatever will make you smile!

Put an assortment of them scattered through your planner, home, dresser, desk, and car. Anywhere where you will stumble across them at a later date. (trust me - you WILL forget they are there!)

Now find joy in everyday. No matter HOW awful your day is..there is something good and wonderful!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dining Room Dilemmas

As a family of six, we actually USE our formal dining room to eat. Although some nights it does need unburied it from the days accumulation of homework, books, and random things people have set down!

If you don't have a formal dining room, use this week to concentrate on your kitchen table. However, if you DO have a dining room and don't use it..ask yourself "why?" Maybe you would love to start having family dinners (or maybe romantic date-nights?) if you could only get it cleaned up..or maybe eating at a big table just doesn't fit into your lifestyle! I'm going to let you in on a little decorating doesn't HAVE to be a dining room just because that's what the architect called it! What would you use that space for? It's YOUR house. You should use the space how you want to.

If keeping it from being a dumping ground is the problem; make a date with yourself to clean it off. Talk to your family members about your desire to keep the table clean. Keep a large centerpiece on the table to make it look pretty and discourage clutter.

I'm in LOVE! I have found the Holy Grail of Purses!
My desire to be organized and my obsession with beautiful purses merges together in this amazing line from Butler Bag!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The In [its] Place Store!
Click HERE to ENTER!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

National Preparedness Month 2009
September marks National Preparedness Month. Yes, the kids still need to go to school, and you’re not getting a paid holiday from work..sorry! But ‘celebrating’ this holiday can make you prepared for the smallest emergencies and potentially save your lives.

Emergencies happen every day and to prepare for all possible scenarios would be. Well. Impossible. But there are small things that you can do:

· Decide on your IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACTS (ICE). Most new cell phones have the ability to mark these numbers right in your contact list or add the abbreviation ICE before the contacts you would like EMS personnel to call.

· Make a plan for what you will do in an emergency. Where are all of the possible exit points and where do you meet once you get out? Make alternative plans in case of an evacuation.

· Get a kit of emergency supplies. During a storm when the power goes out is not the time to look for the flashlight and extra batteries!

· Make the plan personal to your family. Have a meeting and discuss who, what, when, where, and why. Make an emergency phone chart that your children can understand.

The Department of Homeland Security has put together a very user-friendly website where there are detailed lists and ideas for all possible emergencies. Use this month to get yourself ready for the unknown.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Your memory is a funny thing - when you're young you take it for grated that the information is up there when you need it - as we age..not so much.

Birthdays, first steps and the like are very important...but more need to write down information that only you know. And you need to encourage your family to do the same.

You may be grateful to have this information on hand someday; not only in case of a death. Temporary memory loss can be caused by something as simple as a reaction to medication!

Take the time to go through the web-sites that you visit often and make a list of the site, password, and user name for each. Include social sites like face book or twitter..if something was to happen to you, your family will need this to cancel your account without having to provide a death certificate. Encourage your children to write down their information too.

Have a discussion with your spouse about where the important papers are and what needs to be done in case of an illness or death. Talk about simple things such as: Do you both know where the checkbook & bills are kept? The pin numbers for your debit cards?

If you are single; you need to write down your information and give it to someone you trust or at least make it known to your family where the information is located.

Make the commitment to get it done.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Getting Ready for a Yard Sale

“One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”…with a little preparation you can hold a profitable sale. First, you must set a date for your sale. Allow yourself at least three weeks to get ready.

Clear an area to accumulate items that you want to sell. For the first two weeks, use at least an hour each day to find items for your sale and check that they are in good working order or are free of stains and rips. Use stickers to price the items and make signs for groups of individual merchandise; “All clothing 5 for $1.00” Different colored stickers work great for Multi-Family sales – just stick each in a notebook at the time of checkout and tally up the amounts at the end of the day.

At the beginning of the week before your sale; check the weather report and place an ad in the classifieds. (Be sure to be clear on times and if you will allow ‘Early Birds’ or if you plan to hold a ½ sale after a certain hour. If you have items that may draw a crowd, make sure that you include them in your ad!) Make big signs directing traffic to your home and have everything ready to hang them early the morning of your sale. (But PLEASE remember to take them down!) Make plans for food and bathroom runs; schedule family and friends to sit in for brief periods to give you a break. Decide on what you will serve your family for supper that night (you will be too tired to cook). Use some of your earnings to order pizza or have something in the Crockpot ready to eat.

Get $20 in change from the bank during the week so you are prepared for the morning rush. Make sure that you have an extension cord ready for customers to check any electrical items you have for sale. You can’t expect them to take your word for it. Have fun at your sale and attract more buyers by playing music and creating a nice atmosphere. Set up your cashier station in a spot that will have shade but don’t forget to wear sunscreen and re-apply regularly during the day! Set and alarm on your cell phone to remind yourself – you may be too busy to realize how much time has passed.

Get a good night’s sleep and enjoy your day!

Projects for the Summer Heat

You know those days when it is SO HUMID that you think it might just be possible to melt? Not the day to work on anything big! Even with the A/C running – use these days to catch up on things that take time but little energy.

Save projects like sorting photos or working on your Household Notebook for days that the forecast is muggy. Plan ahead; make a list of things that you want to “get to someday” that went on the back burner:
File recipes (or finally put them on your computer!), Redo your address book, Catch up on filing, Plan a monthly menu or Do a Household Inventory

No matter what time of the year it is, always check the weather when you plan out your week. Use “melty days” productively and watch how you Make life Simple.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Manage the Summer Chaos

We all love our kids but - if your anything like me (and my friends) about a week into summer vacation you start asking when the dear little cherubs are going back to school!

But it doesn't have to be all chaos and anarchy...with a little planning you can have a relaxing and pleasant break! Start with making a list of what you expect of them. What are your goals and ideas to make those goals happen?

  • Do you want them to keep up with reading and math? Ask your Library about summer programs - most give incentives to kids for checking out books! "Sneak" reading in by asking them to read things to you. Ask them to figure out the better deal when you are at the store.

  • What about Physically? We all have those rainy days where everyone just crashes lazily - that's part of the fun of summer - but what can you do to promote healthy activity?

  • Don't forget to keep them social! Especially if your child has a shy streak - involve them in an activity that they can socialize with other kids from your school district. Encourage them to invite friends over.

  • Tell them what you expect from them...sit everyone down at the table with some snacks and discuss what you expect from them over the summer chores will be assigned and what time they are to be inside. Go over the rules and what the consequences are going to be if they don't follow them. Write the rules out and post them on the refrigerator so no one can say "I didn't know!"

  • Enjoy the Dear Cherubs! They grow up too fast!!